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.:[United Special Forces]:. Colonies

.:[United Special Forces]:. Colonies


- Plazma Burst 2:

- An easy to run 3rd person shooter. United Special Forces' former main colony; it consists of player made "maps", PvP, cooperative matches and role-playing.


- World of Tanks:

- World of Tanks is an easy to run mmo, not requiring the best PC. It can be described as a realistic tank battles simulator based on famous tanks from nations around the world. In our clan, platoons are easy to find and are created everyday. Skirmishes are held frequently and team trainings are held on a regular basis. Tournaments are also organised within the clan, rewarding gold and bonds. This colony is run by Alpha.



.:[United Special Forces]:. Minor Colonies


- .io Games: 

A multitude of simple and diverse browser-based games. The colony is led by Firebird. Our most prominent .io game is


- GTA V:

- A 3rd/1st person action-adventure open-world shooter with free roam ability with a setting in LA, USA. The colony is ran with an emphasis on grinding, races, car meets and general fun.


- Unturned:

A free survival/open-world zombie apocalypse game lead by Hunter - available on Steam.


- Minecraft: 

A block-based 3D sandbox building/survival game. Fully transformable and modifiable world, led by WolfBoy1137.



.:[United Special Forces]:. New/Potential Colonies 


- N/A

Gloria Sensatus Potestatis
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